【同义词辨析】 2020-08-05 私通amour-affair
amour: stresses passion as the motivating force and often connotes transcience: went from one ~ to another. passion激情suggests a powerful or controlling emotion (transient临时暂时的,指时间短applies to what is actually short in duration or stay仅表示实际短暂,如a hotel catering primarily to transient guests宾馆主要接待短期客人,在2018-03-30 短暂transient-short-lived) 罗马爱神Roman God of love有2个名字,Cupid和Amor "Amor Vincit Omnia"被merriam-webster韦氏字典网站评为"top 10 Latin words to live by十大拉丁短句"之首,三个词分别是三个词根,短小精干,英文意思是"love conquers all爱,战胜一切",值得记下来
liaison: implies duration but not necessarily permanence of the attachment: known for her ~ with a powerful senator. (这个词还表示联络the exchange of information between different organizations,如Liaison Office of Central Gov't in HKSAR中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室,如our role is to ensure liaison between schools and parents我们的作用是确保学校与家长间的联系(联络),如we work in close liaison with the police我们与警方密切配合)
intrigue: emphasizes the clandestine nature of the relationship: frequently drawn to complicated ~s.
affair: is the least specific term and suggests something equivocal rather than definitely illicit about the relationship: had a series of ~s after his divorce. 如she is having an affair with her boss她跟老板有暧昧关系
amour风流韵事:强调激情为驱动力,通常短暂,liaison勾搭: 指持续一段时间,但未必长久,intrigue地下情: 强调私下隐藏,affair暧昧: 这个词指的关系未必不正当,而是语带含糊
记忆方法: 1)首字母ALIA爱啦<==私通
2)私通的意思是婚外关系mean an instance of illicit sexual relationship. illicit非法it is also applied to something obtained, done, or maintained unlawfully, illegally, or illegitimately泛指非法,如an illicit affair婚外情